in the know

Spirit of independence..

What makes an independent business successful? A complete, in depth understanding of its customers and the ability to move fast to meet changing times

Eddie Ellis, owner of JP and Brimelow, the South Manchester estate agency specialising in selling properties across Chorlton, Didsbury and Whalley Range, put his business’s success down to one very simply premise: focus.

‘There’s a bit of a myth that estate agency is an easy job,’ he says. ‘With properties simply falling into the laps of agencies and buyers queuing up at the office door. It’s not an easy job, every member of our team works hard to serve our customers’ needs. Here, we apply focus to every stage of the process, and we have structured the personnel to allow each one to focus on just one thing.

‘We have a marketing team of three specialists who focus solely on producing the property details – from measuring up to photography and video tours to the production of literature and advertising the property online and in local press. The sales team of four manage the valuation and viewings, to know every potential buyer on our database and stay in touch with them to ensure the moment a property comes on the market we know would suit them, they know about it. Every seller has one single point of contact, from within our sales team, throughout the whole process, until their property is sold, at which point they are introduced to their dedicated Sales Progressor, whose sole purpose is to push the sale through every stage until contracts are exchanged. The national average for home sales, from offer to completion, is 19 weeks. Here we average 12-13 weeks, and that’s because we focus on doing precisely what the seller needs us to do.’

This focus has resulted in JP & Brimelow winning the top award for customer service in the Estate Agent Guide, awards based wholly on customer feedback.

Maybe Eddie’s team make it look easy, but there’s clearly intense focus and a lot of work going on behind the scenes.

‘It’s all about communication,’ he says. ‘Between us and the sellers, between us and potential buyers, and internally of course too. I can ask about any property on our books and will be given an immediate update as to the current position.

‘This starts with the very first conversations with people who come to us to talk about putting their property on the market. It’s all about integrity – there’s no point being ‘polite’ about a property you know would sell at top price, quickly, if only the homeowner would make some quick and easy changes.

‘We talk about kerb appeal, about first impressions, about how to sell a lifestyle, not simply bricks and mortar. I have been in this business for a couple of decades now and have hundreds of tips, ideas and advice for sellers on how to maximise the appeal of their home. We’re currently starting to provide some useful advice and guides for all home sellers, whether they work with us or not, on our website.’

Eddie and his team have a host of partnerships with local businesses they recommend to sellers when homes will benefit from a few changes before being put on the market.

‘First impressions are so important – I can recommend a local firm to spruce up your driveway, a gardening firm to tidy up front and back gardens, a nearby storage company to collect and look after precious items homeowners want to keep, but need to be removed as part of a decluttering exercise, and more. Buyers buy a home based not only upon the price, location and size tick boxes, but upon what kind of lifestyle they might achieve were they to live there – so let’s show them that lifestyle.’

Eddie’s knowledge and understanding of the communities in which his agency operates is unsurpassed. He has watched how each area has changed over the decades, maintaining close ties with residents through his sponsorship of many local, grassroots sports clubs.

‘By supporting local clubs, I can help them improve their grounds, their clubhouses, their prominence in local leagues – this helps an area’s attractiveness in the eyes of incomers, as well as being of immediate benefit to those who already live here. As well as provision of football kit for West Didsbury & Chorlton AFC and for Longford Park Girls AFC, we sponsor the provision of the match balls at The Albert Tennis Club in West Didsbury and at Whalley Range Lawn Tennis Club. It was interesting to hear recently that their membership levels have soared of late, with the influx of young professionals in the area wanting big homes close to Manchester – gentrification at work, you might say.’