in the know

When should I put my Christmas decorations up if I am selling my house?

Putting your house on the market in the winter months isn’t an easy decision. Christmas is a time many find quite stressful, so having to think about viewings, keeping the house extra-tidy, even when to put up the Christmas decorations, isn’t on most people’s list of things to do in December.

If circumstances demand, however, here are our tips for making it as easy as possible for yourself.

  1. Get the photography booked in as soon as possible, BEFORE you put any decorations up. Houses don’t sell so fast in the winter months, and you don’t want to be heading into January with photos of a festive house advertising the fact you’ve not yet sold.
  1. Sadly, this means that if the decor is already up – it will need removing. Our photographer is a great guy, and happily helps homeowners ensure their home is shown in its best light, but moving a fully decorated tree out of shot is a tricky task, so please make sure if this is your plan, you invite a friend round to help you.

Here’s the good news though – people generally love Christmas, and in the darkest month of winter, a house that’s clearly loved, with sparkle and light and the scent of Christmas pine will give your home added midwinter appeal.

There is one rule to adhere to, however: S.M.C.

Simple. Minimal. Chic.

Too Much Stuff (TMS: another home selling rule) can be distracting. While it may be your urge to throw every colour of the rainbow at the tree, or dangle baubles from every light fitting, or build a life-size Nativity in your front garden, with extra reindeer and a visiting man in red, hold back. You want people to be lifted by your decor, not overwhelmed by it. Christmas decor can be a bit like Marmite, so rather than risk people making a buying decision on what they see as your lack of taste, help them make a buying decision by showing them just how at home they can be in your home – and not just at Christmas, but for the other 48 weeks of the year.

Here’s our quick guide to S.M.C.

  1. Ditch the tinsel.

Don’t ask us why, but some people are positively allergic to the stuff

  1. No coloured lights

Too many clashing colours are definitely a distraction. Stick to white lights, and be sure to choose either warm white, or cool white, not a mix of the two. Again, too distracting.

  1. No flashing lights

Choose the static option, always. Save the twinkles and flashes for yourself.

  1. Be VERY restrained outside

A pretty wreath on the door, and no more than white lights – and not flashing!

  1. Keep floors and doors clear

When viewing your home, people do not want to be squeezing past novelty gonks, ducking under trails of lights or wondering what’s behind the tree. Make sure there is a clear line of sight across every room. Keep walls clear of clutter – no lines of Christmas cards hung on fishing line – and surfaces clear of extraneous festive ornaments.

  1. No festive decor in the bedrooms.

Bedrooms should be presented as havens of calm and cosy, not party rooms.

  1. No jolly Christmas tunes

Peace, quiet, and S.M.C.

In summary, as we have said before, when you show your home you are presenting a lifestyle potential buyers can buy into. S.M.C.

Friday 25th November 2022 – Eddie – (Picture used from Brookfield Avenue, Chorlton)