in the know

How to spot a time-waster, and recognise a serious buyer..

Here at JP & Brimelow we ask potential buyers plenty of questions about what they’re looking for, their mortgage status, etc, before we arrange any viewings. Sadly, while not a huge problem, time wasters – or voyeuristic viewers – do exist, and it’s not always immediately obvious who they are. 

Here are our top tops on recognising the signs of whether you have a sneaky peeker, or genuinely hopeful househunter, viewing your home.

  1. Genuine buyers will take their time, picturing themselves living in each room as they go. Listen to their conversation, as you will soon know if they are genuinely imagining themselves in place here.
  1. Are they spending just a little too much time admiring artwork or perusing your bookshelves? Voyeur alert! You may be being used as a 3D Pinterest board, here.
  1. If they ask you about average utility bills and council tax, this is a good sign. They’re running rough budgets in their head, considering the living costs over and above the mortgage payments. 
  1. Do they LOVE your décor? Too many compliments might suggest a guilty conscience. 
  1. A really keen viewer will ask about second viewings before they’ve completed the first. They’ll want to have some time to let their thinking settle, and come back to sense-check their first impressions, after a full and frank conversation with their partner (if they’re buying on a joint mortgage) or trusted friend or parent. 
  1. Comments such as ‘oh, there aren’t enough bedrooms’ and ‘there’s no room to extend the kitchen’ suggest, quite clearly, that you’ve met a time-waster. They clearly haven’t closely examined the property details, but rather than leave you thinking you may have a buyer, make it very clear you don’t. Kind of like them, isn’t it?
  1. Listen out for comments that suggest the buyer is really visualising themselves in your home, such as “We could easily fit our sofas in here” and “That painting we bought in Venice would work well here,” etc. If they’re furnishing your home with their belongings, this is a very positive sign,
  1. Questions about the nearest shops, bus stops, parks and parking are all very good signs. They clearly like your home, they now need to assess if your neighbourhood meets their needs, too.

To be honest, there’s not much you can do about a time-waster once they’re in your home, and we don’t advise challenging suspected sneaky peekers on their motives! Simply be polite, show them out and then let us know your thoughts. It may be that what you read as a time-waster is simply someone playing very hard to get…

Eddie Friday 12th May 2023. (Picture used of the Chorlton office).