in the know

Meet the team feature..

This week we’d like to introduce Conor O’Reilly, the photographer who brings to life property details for all our potential homebuyers

How did you get into professional photography?

I studied film production at university and have always had a passion for creativity and design, so I’ve always been comfortable behind the camera and the opportunity it brings.

What brought you to JP & Brimelow?

I moved to Manchester after the first wave of Covid, looking for new opportunities. I saw the job post for JP & Brimelow and thought it would be the perfect match.

What is the hardest part of your job?

One of the hardest parts of my role is keeping images and video looking fresh for each property. We measure up all different types of properties, so knowing what shots work and don’t has come with experience. Applying these into our social media content is also rewarding when we get feedback from our followers.

How do you ensure the photos are honest, yet enhance the best aspects of the property?

I’ve come to realise that the best photos are not the ones that make the rooms look the biggest but the ones that highlight the property’s unique details and character, while still remaining honest to the space. 

What has been the funniest thing you have ever been faced with when asked to photograph a property?

This is definitely working around pets, mostly cats following you around making a cameo into some of the pictures.

Have you ever had any homeowners make unusual requests?

Luckily not! Most homeowners are very proud of their homes so mostly they just want to make it as pristine as possible and for me to be able to capture that on camera.

How long does it usually take to photograph a three bedroom home, for example?

For a full measure up between myself and Jack, we can usually finish a property within 30 – 45 minutes depending on the size and presentation.

What is your top tip for homeowners having their home photographed for sale?

My top tip would be having the home tidy and presentable while still looking lived in, this makes it easy for people viewing online to see what works in each room and help them picture themselves living there.

Eddie – Meet the team feature – Friday 18th November 2022.