Local Community

At JP & Brimelow we realise that moving to a new area can be hard work so we have hand picked some great websites jam-packed with local news, information and services.

Metrolink is Greater Manchester’s tram network. Opened in 1992 it now has five lines serving Bury, Altrincham, Eccles, Oldham and Chorlton. It is undergoing a £1.4bn ‘Big Bang’ expansion to Rochdale, Wythenshawe, Manchester Airport, Didsbury, Droylsden and Ashton under Lyne. Due to finish in 2016, it will make Metrolink the biggest tram system in Britain.There are plans for a second route across Manchester city centre.

Visit website - www.metrolink.co.uk 

The official public transport site for Greater Manchester - travel and accessibility information, service maps, journey planner, public consultation, news, jobs and events, and information on future developments.

Visit website - www.tfgm.com


Directgov is the UK governments digital service for people in England and Wales, providing a single point of access to public sector information and services. The content is developed by government departments, working with a central Directgov team. The main outlet is via a website, though content and services are also delivered via mobile and intractive TV.

Visit website - www.direct.gov.uk

The Manchester City Council website offers information for local residents, visitors and the business community.

Visit website - www.manchester.gov.uk


M.E.N. Media is a multimedia business with leading print and online brands across Greater Manchester. The portfolio includes the flagship title; The Manchester Evening News which is the countrys largest circulating daily regional newspaper. 22 Weekly Newspapers and the citys Urban Life magazine complete the print collection. The Manchester Evening News and the 22 M.E.N. Weekly Newspapers each have their own website, providing up to the minute news, sport, entertainment and lifestyle programming.

Visit website - www.menmedia.co.uk/manchestereveningnews

The Office for Standards in Education, Childrens Services and Skills (Ofsted) is the non-ministerial government department of Her Majestys Chief Inspector of Schools In England. The services Ofsted inspects or regulates include: local services, childminding, child day care, children’s centres, children’s social care, Cafcass, state schools, independent schools and teacher training providers, colleges and learning and skills providers in England. It also monitors the work of the Independent Schools Inspectorate. HMI are empowered and required to provide independent advice to the United Kingdom government and parliament on matters of policy and to publish an annual report to parliament on the quality of educational provision in England.

Visit website - www.ofsted.gov.uk


Visit Manchester - The official tourism website for Greater Manchester .

Visit website - www.visitmanchester.com 

Do you want to receive updates as to whats happening in Manchester? Do you want to receive exclusive offers at restaurants and bars in Manchester? Do you want to know about the latest record releases from Manchester bands or hear about the latest books from Mancunian authors? Pride Of Manchester - Celebrating life in the RocknGoal Capital of the World!

Visit website - www.prideofmanchester.com


Open Up magazines are a voice for South Manchester: its people, its community organisations and its thriving independent businesses. We love where we live and so do our readers.

Visit website - www.openupmagazines.co.uk


Founded in 1966, Didsbury Civic Society aspires to: Represent the interests of residents of all ages in an ever-changing world. Support the needs of local businesses. Preserve the heritage and yet be aware of the needs of development. Encourage a greater awareness of local history. Promote a feeling of community pride, Welcome and encourage local and council participation.

Visit website - www.didsburycivicsociety.org.uk

Established in 1989, the Chorlton-cum-Hardy Civic Society is an independent organisation which believes that nothing but the best is good enough for Chorlton and its people. Our only concern is the welfare of the area and its surroundings. In recognition of our commitment to the area, we are registered with the Civic Trust.

Visit website - www.chorltoncivicsociety.org.uk


The Withington Civic Society's aim is to protect and improve the environment and amenities of Withington, Ladybarn and Old Moat in Manchester, UK. Withington is an attractive area with a long history thought to date back to Saxon times. It is now a thriving district of south Manchester, with a diverse population and a village centre which is a Conservation Area.

Visit website - www.withingtoncivicsociety.org.uk

Things to do in Cheshire & Manchester, food and drink, interiors, beauty and travel from Living Edge Magazine.

Visit website - www.livingedge.co.uk


FREE access to the latest house prices for England and Wales. Search properties for sale, find houses, flats to rent, property to buy and local estate agents in UK

Visit website - www.nethouseprices.com 

Manchester news, features, community, culture, bars and restaurants. I Love MCR® is a trusted symbol of civic pride and a city guide for Manchester UK.

Visit website: www.ilovemanchester.com


Search over a Million properties for sale and to rent from the top estate agents and developers in the UK

Visit website - www.rightmove.co.uk

allAgents is the UK's largest customer review website for the property industry. Find agents in our directory & search 1000s of properties for sale & to rent

Visit website - www.allagents.co.uk


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