in the know

Should I fit an electric vehicle charging point to my home?

Our landscape is changing. Electric vehicles are no longer the ‘brave choice’, but are rapidly becoming an obvious choice. As of this summer of 2022, 477,000 of the UK driving population own an electric car, with 790,000 drivers choosing a hybrid. It’s also estimated that by 2040, the ownership of hybrid cars will rise to 25.5 million. With the current fuel crisis and the ridiculous cost of fuelling our cars – petrol or diesel – going electric is looking even more sensible.

With the increase in electric vehicles, there is of course a commensurate need for an increase in electric vehicle charging points – and as the ones found in supermarkets and carparks around the UK aren’t truly as convenient as having one at home, it makes sense that a home with an electric vehicle chargepoint has an attraction that a home without one does not.

This theory is actually backed up by some research recently undertaken by, which says: ‘Homeowners are boosting the value of their property by 5% adding a charging point. The average UK property is valued at £292,000; this rises to £306,300 when the property holds an electric charging point. The average cost of a charging point with installation is £800, making it a no brainer for many sellers.’

Of course, comments such as ‘average value’ and ‘average cost’ should be taken with a pinch of salt, and a statement of 5% when reflecting an average increase to a home’s value should there be a charge point fitted is somewhat over-egging the pudding, in our opinion, but we cannot deny that the presence of a home charger for electric vehicles certainly adds some shine to a property description, and with all new homes now required to have an electric car charger as part of the build, it’s certainly an investment worth some thought.

(Picture used from Nettleford Road, Whalley Range)

Eddie – Friday 5th August 2022.